El Tio Rocky - Bombero #2 - Algo Falta
Rocky Hill lleva solo tres semanas como bombero pero no se lo puede olvidar que a la estación le falta algo. ¿Pero qué es? La visita de sus sobrinos Ben y Luke le interrumpe mientras piensa sobre este misterio. No dura mucho tiempo la interrupción, sin embargo, como le dirige correctamente al tío Rocky la pregunta aguda de Luke. |
Reader Quotes:
Any child could relate with Ben and Luke getting to visit with their uncle Rocky and see what it's like to be a fireman. When my son Dan was a little boy he loved the fire trucks and would have loved these books. |
Something’s Missing, #2 in the Rocky Hill series, will capture the imagination of young children ~ especially the boys. Exploring the firehouse, sharing a meal , and a glimpse of a real day in a firehouse. The book also reinforces manners. We look forward to reading these books and more in the series to our Grandchildren for many years.- |